Now a brand new digital channel in the energy area is being launched. är ett redskap för industrins omställning mot en alltmer energikrävande och klimatvänlig framtid, en brygga mellan energimarknaden och Sveriges industri. Dagligen kommer industrins aktörer att kunskapsrustas genom unika nyhetsbrev och en aktiv hemsida.
The energy issue shines in Sweden's industrial enterprises. The change is noticeable for the future. An increasingly electricity-intensive industry, power shortages, uncertain energy budgets, many energy costs, cost increases, safety, climate etc. The questions are many and piling up. Swedish industry needs the latest to keep pace with the energy sector, both in terms of production and supply for storage, efficiency and maintenance.
On 30 October, Nordiske Medier launches the news channel, a brand new digital channel where experienced industry journalists from all areas of the industry give the reader a tool to better overview, understand and be prepared for the industry's transition towards a more energy-demanding and climate-friendly future.
Today, reliable systems and operating/cost-effective energy solutions are of great and decisive importance for how Sweden will fare in the international competition of the future. A question of survival and an opportunity for development at the same time as meeting the environmental goals.
All this means that the industry is currently in a major upheaval period in the form of a completely new era. This places an extremely large focus on solutions. Energy issues are being worked on in many directions and on a broad front. To keep up with everything that happens to be a bridge between the energy market and Sweden's industry.
- We look forward with great anticipation to the launch of As we already have market-leading industry channels within the entire industry, our experienced journalists will be able to offer the best energy news both broadly and in depth. A long-awaited addition both for Swedish industry and the energy sector in Sweden, says Magnus Kepinski, CEO of Nordic Media Sweden.
– With the launch of in Sweden, inspired by our successful Danish platform, we look forward to strengthening our customers' businesses and creating new opportunities in the energy sector in Scandinavia, says Freddy Bustos, head of sales at Nordic Media Sweden.
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