Advertising in newsletters

Place ads targeted at your audience—several times a week.

At Nordiske Medier, we have a long and successful tradition of helping businesses build customer relationships and brand awareness through email marketing in our newsletters.
Across all our industry-specific media, Nordiske Medier sends out daily newsletters featuring the latest and most relevant industry news. These newsletters are emailed to the industry and are primarily read by decision-makers and other professionals who want to stay ahead of developments in their field.
As an advertiser, you have the opportunity to place ads in our newsletters. This allows you to target your ads directly to your audience frequently

Vi tilbyder en bred vifte annonceringsmuligheder i vores nyhedsbreve. Vælg mellem vores mange forskellige former og formater, så det passer til netop dine behov. Besøg de enkelte mediesider og se, hvilke formater vi tilbyder lige here.


If you are interested in receiving our newsletters, you can sign up on any of our media websites.


Derfor skal du annoncere i vores nyhedsbreve


  • Få målrettet eksponering i din branche
  • Øg opmærksomheden omkring din virksomhed
  • Interagér med din målgruppe
  • Driv mere trafik til din virksomhed
  • Effektiv og omkostningsbevidst markedsføring

Optimér og målret din virksomheds annoncering

Nordiske Medier's newsletters provide the perfect platform for companies looking to optimise and target their email marketing. By advertising in our newsletters, you can place your ads directly in front of your target audience with frequent exposure.
If you would like to learn more about the opportunity to advertise in our newsletters, please contact us at +45 72 28 69 70.
Fill out the form below

Interesseret i at høre mere om annoncering i vores nyhedsbreve?

Have a non-binding chat about your marketing opportunities with Nordiske Medier.


Baris Karakurt
Sales Manager
+45 28 30 89 39


+45 72 28 69 70