Insert Denmark

Don’t let your message get lost in the advertising clutter.

An insert is an additional brochure placed inside our newspapers. When readers open their newspaper, they will encounter your brochure material.
An insert is an effective form of newspaper advertising because it boosts awareness of your business and gives you direct access to your target audience. With an insert, you ensure that your brochure material isn't buried in a stack of ads but is prominently placed in a newspaper read by selected business groups who have a keen interest in the products and services you offer. This allows you to highlight your messages and offers over multiple pages, increasing your visibility among decision-makers in small and medium-sized enterprises.
For more information on how to have your brochure material distributed with our newspapers, please contact us at +45 72 28 69 70 or via e-mail:
*This product is only available in Denmark

Strengthen your brand with Nordiske Medier

Tailor your activities across industries and selected customer groups.
At Nordiske Medier, we tailor solutions to match our clients' wishes and needs. Choose the services and media that are most relevant for your company.

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Baris Karakurt
Sales Manager
+45 28 30 89 39


+45 72 28 69 70