Business Solution

Comprehensive industry insights for the entire company

Do you want to enhance your employees' knowledge with essential industry insights, news, and in-depth analyses?

With a corporate solution , you gain direct access to the business world. Through our industry-specific media, we cover all branches of Scandinavian business and deliver news that you don’t always find in the mainstream flow but is directly relevant to your company.

Med en virksomhedsløsning får I både det hurtige overblik over de seneste nyheder, der relaterer sig til jeres branche, og samtidig får I den dybe indsigt med udførlige interviews, reportager, portrætter og brancheanalyser. Dette giver dine medarbejdere de nødvendige værktøjer til at forstå og følge udviklingen i netop jeres branche.

With a corporate solution, you get:
  • A tailored solution
  • Unlimited access to all content
  • Industry insights and analyses
  • Industry-specific news

Nordiske Medier offers a variety of corporate solutions

See which one matches your needs and contact us below for a non-binding conversation

Personal access

Ideal for the selected employees

Giv nøglemedarbejdere de bedste forudsætninger med adgang til eksklusiv brancheindsigt, nyheder og dybdegående analyser. Der kan også, såfremt mediet udbyder det, tilvælges at få printavisen leveret.

Multi-user access

Access for the entire company through the network

Provide access to industry insights, news, and in-depth analyses to everyone in your company via your IP address. This ensures that all employees have the necessary tools to understand and track developments in your specific industry

Complete company agreement

Access to all elements for the entire company

Ensure that all your employees gain access to the extensive benefits of a corporate solution. Through your IP address, the entire company will have access to in-depth industry insights, news, and analyses that equip you to lead in your industry.

Interesseret i at høre mere om virksomhedsløsninger?

Contact to hear more about the various options for a corporate solution.


Ebbe Hasse Holm
Subscription Manager
Phone: +45 26 79 71 30