360-degree B2B marketing and advertising

At Nordiske Medier, we offer a unique approach to marketing that sets us apart from other media houses. We provide more than just the opportunity to spread your messages through targeted online and print advertising; our extensive media and product range allows your company to tailor an advertising plan that supports what you excel in.

With our broad product portfolio, we help you craft the perfect combination of advertising and marketing activities that enhance your sales and position in the market. We are your partner throughout the entire process, offering guidance and support to ensure your B2B marketing achieves the best results.

No matter what your company's needs are, we are ready to assist you in reaching your goals in the most effective way possible.

Nordiske Medier offers tailored subscription packages, allowing you to easily stay updated on what’s happening in your industry.
Nordiske Medier offers customised business solutions, ensuring that your workplace has access to the industry media that best match your specific needs.
Projektagenten enables you to find new business opportunities and track all phases of construction.
With Nordiske Medier's membership portal for B2B companies, you can easily, effectively, and precisely reach your customers. Read more, and contact us for more information.
Reach more than 450,000 print readers with print advertising in our newspapers and trade magazines. Learn more here and contact us for more information.
Attract customers and new partners by promoting your company in a story with a journalistic flair.
Boost awareness of your company and products among potential customers. Nordiske Medier offers effective and affordable online advertising.
Make your company stand out across the industry. Have your magazines distributed alongside Nordiske Medier's newspapers.
Optimise and target your company's advertising. Promote in Nordiske Medier's newsletters, which are primarily read by decision-makers and industry professionals.
With an ad test, we offer you the opportunity to examine the effectiveness of the ads you have placed in our printed newspapers.
As the central meeting point for Nordic business, Nordiske Medier offers optimal opportunities to gain visibility among business customers.
Looking for a new employee? Explore a unique opportunity to place job ads on the front page of our media outlets, in our newsletters, and within articles.
Bringing your company's news to life can seem like a challenging and time-consuming task. Therefore, Nordiske Medier has simplified this task for all member clients with the 'NewsBooster' add-on package.
Get news and key figures from all companies in Denmark, and stay updated on potential partners and competitors.
Crawling is a feature that synchronises all your ads. This way, you only need to create your ads once, in one place.
Nordiske Medier offers professional website development for both small and large B2B companies.
Drive traffic to your website. Nordiske Medier boasts Denmark's strongest online B2B media, which can be utilised for your link building.
Nordiske Medier offers a digital health check. We review your digital presence and provide advice and execution of an effective strategy.
Make your business visible among the over 8.5 billion searches conducted on Google each day. Our experts can tailor your SEO strategy.
Get close to the key players and major stakeholders in the industry. We support your presence at trade shows and also organise ongoing events and activities.
Get close to the industry's key players and major stakeholders. We support your presence at trade shows and organise ongoing events and activities.

Interested in learning more about our products?

Have a non-binding chat about your marketing opportunities with Nordiske Medier.

Contact our sales department directly to learn more.

Kim Kempf Falkenhard
Sales Director
Phone: +45 55 20 72 07
E-mail: kkf@nordiskemedier.dk

Baris Karakurt
Sales Manager
+45 28 30 89 39
E-mail: bka@nordiskemedier.dk

Peter Aagaard Nielsen
Sales and Department Manager – Odense
+45 99 35 39 25
E-mail: pan@nordiskemedier.dk

Tim Borup Jørgensen
Commercial Coordinator
+45 25 72 83 83
E-mail: tbj@nordiskemedier.dk

Christian Andersen
Commercial Coordinator
+45 22 45 98 45
E-mail: ca@nordiskemedier.dk

