News about the construction industry
Building Supply is a Danish online media outlet that covers the construction and civil engineering industry. We cater to decision-makers, purchasing managers, and other professionals in the construction sector who want to stay updated on what is happening among their customers and suppliers. Stay updated daily on and in our daily newsletter, which delivers the sharpest construction news and most valuable insights to over 35,500 readers in the construction industry each day.
Meet the editor of Building Supply
At Building Supply, we cover everything happening in the construction and civil engineering industry. We keep our finger on the pulse and provide relevant and sharp news, so you are always updated on what’s going on among customers and suppliers in the industry.
Editor Andrea Jessen Vestergaard
Mobile: +45 28 57 09 11
Contact the editorial team
Building Supply in numbers
Target your marketing with Building Supply. We provide you with the opportunity to communicate your message to your target audience through the industry's most important media. We offer a wide range of effective and cost-efficient advertising solutions – whether you prefer to reach your audience via our newsletters or online media, we have a solution for you.
of our readers are satisfied with Building Supply
Recipients of the newsletter
Online visitors
Online views
Newsletters sent daily
Company size
Over 41% of the readers are employed by a company with more than 100 employees.
Useful for work
Over 82% of the readers believe that Building Supply is useful for their work.
Preferred platform
Over 68% of the readers prefer to read Building Supply through the newsletter.
Newsletter satisfaction
Over 82% of the newsletter recipients are very satisfied/satisfied with the newsletter.
Newsletter recipients
Over 89% of Building Supply's readers receive the newsletter.
Target audiences
Target audience by job title
Bygherrer mv. (3%), Byggemarkeder og detailhandel (1%)
Target audience by job title
Development and quality (5%), Finance, HR, etc. (4%), Education (3%)
87% af Building Supplys læsere, der er bygherrer, modtager nyhedsbrevet
78% of Building Supply's readers who are contractors receive the newsletter.
General public services
72% of Building Supply's readers who work with general public services receive the newsletter.
Tømrer og Bygningssnedkere
52% af Building Supplys læsere, der er arkitekter, modtager nyhedsbrevet
Electrical installation
70% of Building Supply's readers who work in electrical installation receive the newsletter.
Lumberyards and hardware stores
82% of Building Supply's readers who work with lumber and building supplies receive the newsletter.
Plumbing and pipefitting businesses
72% of Building Supply's readers who run plumbing and sheet metal businesses receive the newsletter.
af læserne foretrækker at læse Building Supply som printavis
Readership figures*
V/1 indrykning 24.000**
Target audience by job title
Painters & Cleaning (6%), Others (3%)
Target audience by job title
Development and quality (2%), Finance, HR, etc. (2%), Education (2%)
Preferred content
Over 80% of readers believe that general news from the industry is the most important content.
Reader satisfaction
Over 68% of readers are very satisfied/satisfied with Mester Tidende.
Data from the April 2024 reader survey and analytics
It must be clear to readers what is an advertisement and what is an article written by the editorial team. Therefore, advertisements must differ from the layout—both on the portal and in the newsletter—so that readers are not misled into thinking that an advertisement is an article written by the editorial team.
In general, advertisers are requested to use a different font than ours. On the website, the word "Advertisement" automatically appears right above the banner, but when advertising in the newsletter, the word "Advertisement" should be clearly visible at the top of the ad if it is not beyond any doubt that it is an advertisement—this ensures compliance with the law. If we consider the ad to be too similar to the editorial content, we will request a font change and/or the addition of the company logo to make it clear that it is an advertisement. This is done to comply with the guidelines set by the Consumer Ombudsman. Furthermore, only your own company and products should be marketed—no misleading or negative comments about competitors—thus also complying with the Marketing Act.
We offer online advertising on all our media sites. The combination of our online products is extensive and can be viewed on the product page. the product page.
Our site is responsive, and the banners adapt to the screen they are displayed on. Please ensure that the banners are readable on different screens. The banners share space with up to 3 others. However, title banners are displayed alone, while sticky banners share space with up to 2 others. The banners rotate with page changes.
All banners can be either static or animated—HTML5, GIF, or script—except for the title banner. Banners are delivered in the following formats:
.jpg, .gif, .png or HTML5.
Specific for HTML5 banners
When delivering HTML, we need to receive a zip file containing all the source material. The zip file must not exceed 4 MB in size. It is advisable that the HTML5 file stays within a 20-second duration. HTML5 files can only be used for banners on the portal, as this file type cannot be handled by email programs.
If HTML and script banners are not made responsive, a fallback banner must be provided for use on mobile and tablet screens.
All prices are per month.
Placement of banner on the front page + the other pages
Top banner on the front page
Format: 930 x 180 px |
Billboard on the front pageFormat: 980 x 540 px |
Stickybanner* on the front pageFormat: 240 x 400 px |
Corner banner* on the front page + othersFormat: 200 x 300 px |
Sidebanner* on the front page
Format: 200 x 175 px |
Campaign banner pos. 1 on the front pageFormat: 300 x 250 px |
Campaign banner pos. 2 on the front pageFormat: 300 x 250 px |
Gigabanner pos. 1 on the front pageFormat: 930 x 250 px |
Gigabanner pos. 2 on the front pageFormat: 930 x 250 px |
Placement of banner on the article page
Top banner on the article page
Format: 930 x 180 px |
Billboard on the article pageFormat 980 x 540 px |
Stickybanner* on the article pageFormat: 240 x 400 px |
Corner banner* on the article pageFormat: 200 x 300 px |
Sidebanner* on the article page
Format: 200 x 175 px |
Campaign banner pos. 1 on the article pageFormat: 300 x 250 px |
Campaign banner pos. 2 on the article pageFormat: 300 x 250 px |
Title banner – Placed below the editor on the article pageFormat: 300 x 60 px |
Article banner – Placed at the bottom of an articleFormat: 660 x 200 px |
* Sticky banners, corner banners, and side banners are only displayed on desktop.
The newsletter is sent out to the industry via email and is read by decision-makers, buyers, and other professionals who want to stay updated on the most current news in the industry.
The general specifications for the ads in the newsletter are:
The ads are static
• Finished material should be delivered in the following file formats: .jpg, .gif, or .png
- The finished graphic file must not exceed 50 kB in size.
StreamerFormat: 820 x 28 px | Top adFormat 400 x 200 px | Top ad fullsizeFormat 820 x 200 px |
Mid adFormat 400 x 200 px | Mid ad fullsizeFormat 820 x 200 px | Bottom adFormat 400 x 200 px |
Bottom ad fullsizeFormat 820 x 200 px |
If you need a graphic designer to help with your design, the following requirements apply to images, logos, and text.
Images should be at least 200 DPI / 300 DPI, depending on whether it is advertising in a newspaper or magazine, and should be in file formats .jpg, .tiff, .eps, .psd, and .png. Logos and graphic elements should be provided as .eps or .ai vector graphics.
The text is sent separately in a .docx format or in the email with the material.
We need the material for production at least 10 days before the ad campaign is set to start.
banners are ordered for a minimum of 2 months; otherwise, the price is 500 DKK per banner.
Delivery of finished material has a deadline of 2 business days before the start date.
The advertisement, including the link to the landing page, should be sent directly to the email:
SpreadFormat: 546 x 365 mm (12 x 365 mm) | Full pageFormat: 266 x 365 mm (6 x 365 mm) | Half-page horizontal formatFormat: 266 x 180 mm (6 x 180 mm) |
Half-page vertical formatFormat: 131 x 365 mm (3 x 365 mm) | 1/4 page verticalFormat: 131 x 180 mm (3 x 180 mm) | 1/4 page horizontal formatFormat: 266 x 90 mm (6 X 90 mm) |
Material compensation by agreement, however, a maximum of 5%.
Cancellations and date changes must be made in writing no later than 4 weeks before the publication date.
If changes to the insertion schedule result in the conditions for obtaining discounts not being met, any incorrectly granted discounts will be recharged.
If Nordiske Medier does not receive fully completed advertising material, the completion of the material will be billed at 50 øre per mm.
When printing color advertisements, the newspaper assumes no responsibility for any minor deviations from the original material's colors. The newspaper reserves the right to reject complaints regarding advertisements where the material has been previously flagged as less suitable for reproduction or where the submission deadline has been exceeded.
Layout file: Adobe IDML file InDesign, packaged with all links.
PDF file produced with Acrobat Distiller containing all fonts, images, graphics, and colors defined as CMYK (job settings for Acrobat Distiller can be requested).
Furthermore, reference is made to the Industry Standard for digital advertising material agreed upon by DRRB, DFF, and DDPFF.
Various descriptions, setting files, etc., can be downloaded from
Color: All Photoshop formats at a minimum of 200 dpi.
B/W: All Photoshop formats at a minimum of 200 dpi.
Line drawing: EPS and Ai. TIFF, EPS, and JPG at a minimum of 600 dpi.
The "overprint" function must not be used.
CMYK defined (RGB and Pantone will be converted to CMYK).
Compression: Stuffit, Zip.
Interested in learning more about Building Supply?
Have a non-binding chat about your marketing opportunities with Nordiske Medier.
Salgschef, Baris Karakurt
Phone: +45 28 30 89 39